Nishi Shuzo

Distillery Location: Kagoshima Prefecture
Founded: 1845
Profile: Believing that good shochu, like a good harvest, is nothing less than a gift from the earth, Nishi Shuzo only uses potatoes and rice grown by local farmers. Additionally the brewery itself is surrounded by mountains, and thus they are blessed with good water.


Explore Nishi Shuzo

Sanwa Shurui Co., LTD.

Sanwa Shurui Co., LTD.

Distillery Location: Oita Prefecture
Founded: 1958
Profile: The lush greenery, refreshing breezes and pure cool water of Oita Prefecture provide a fitting setting for the ditillery and brewery of Sanwa Shurui. Sanwa Shurui was started in 1958 when three companies merged. A fourth company joined the group the following year and this effectively brought foru fermenttaion- related licenses under the one roof. The company's motto is always the same: "Quality comes first."

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