



Type of Shochu: Otsu Rui

Main Ingredient: Rice Koji (All koji brewed)

Type of Koji-Kin: White Koji Kin

Distillation Method: Vacuum

Aged: N/A

Alcohol by Volume: 23% (46 Proof)

Food Pairings: Sushi, Sashimi, Shio Yakitori, Grilled Vegetables, Delicately Seasoned Japanese Cuisine

Tasting Notes: Hyaku Shochu is born from the collaborative efforts of shochu brewing master Fujimoto Kazumi-san, and the esteemed chef Nakazawa-san of Sushi-sho Yotsuya Tokyo. The two endevoured to make the ultimate rice shochu for sipping alongside meals, especially sushi and Japanese fare. With Nakazawa-san's expertise and Fujimoto-san's special techniques, the resulting shochu Hyaku displays a umami-rich shochu very much like a sake. The slightly lower abv (23%) allows flavors to shine and grow, especially when sipped chilled to fully savor Hyaku’s umami. Furthermore, the raw ingredients are all from Kumamoto, a prefecture historically famed for crafting the highest quality rice shochu. Using ground water from the Kuma River - one of the three most rapid streams in Japan - and the rice, Mori no Kumasan, which was ranked #1 by the Japanese Grain Inspection Association.

Size: 720ml

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Distillery Location: Kumamoto
Founded: 1900   
Profile: Takahashi Shuzo, established in Meiji 33 (1900) does not make your Run of the Mill Kome Shochu. They believe their Shochu carries the tradition and flavors of 400 years, and they are recognized as the standard of all Kumamoto Shochu, which is the center of Japan for Kome Shochu. Using only the most carefully selected rice, clean Kumamoto water, and their own capable hands and traditions, they work to create the best Kome Shochu possible.

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