Zanpa Premium 35 (5 Years Aged Kusu)

Zanpa Premium 35 Thumbnail.png
Zanpa Premium 35 Thumbnail.png

Zanpa Premium 35 (5 Years Aged Kusu)


Type of Shochu: Awamori, Kusu

Main Ingredient: Rice

Type of Koji Kin: Black

Distillation Method: Atmospheric

Aged: 5 years

Alcohol by Volume: 35%

Food Pairings: Meat dishes, fish dishes, sweets such as dark and bitter chocolate, etc.

Tasting Notes: Carefully nurtured and aged for 5 years, allowing it to develop a rich aroma and flavor that can only be achieved through the passage of time. A true masterpiece that offers deep and complex flavors that become more enjoyable with each sip. A warm nose of caramelized pineapple, nuts, mushroom, vanilla, and earth. Robust umami flavors of mushroom meet with candied buddha's hand, caramelized sugar, and beets. With a 35% ABV content, this kusu (aged awamori) can be cut with club soda and served with lemon or lime, but Higa Shuzo recommends trying this Zanpa Premium in a cocktail using Japanese flavors such as shiso, ginger, sansho pepper, or matcha.

Monde Selection - International High Quality Trophy 2020, Grand Gold Award 2020, Gold Award 2014-2019 (6 consecutive years)
International Taste Institute - Superior Taste Award 2 Stars 2014-2020

Size: 720ml

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Distillery: Higa Shuzo
Distillery Location: Okinawa
Founded: 1948
Profile: Located in Yomitan Village in the center of Okinawa Prefecture, Higa Shuzo’s headquarters and factory enjoy the fresh sea breeze and land that is rich in nature. Their philosophy centers on "Smile Be Waves." Higa Shuzo wants Zanpa to put a smile on everyone's faces and spread smiles like the waves of Okinawa. Zanpa is ready to be a part of new and old meetings, conversations, and heartfelt moments. In their commitment to quality, Higa Shuzo has obtained an FSSC 22000 certification, and they are committed to environmentally friendly initiatives such as the installation of a solar power system and recycling of manufacturing wastewater. The distillery also offers a diverse product lineup to suit various occasions.

Spec Sheet Bottle Image