
1237 MoMoMo Thumbnail.png
1237 MoMoMo Thumbnail.png



Type of Shochu: Liqueur

Main Ingredient: Rice Shochu, Peach Pulp

Type of Koji: N/A

Distillation Method: N/A

Aged: N/A

Alcohol by Volume: 7%

Food Pairings: Fruit Tart, Sweet Crepes, Ice Cream

Tasting Notes: Quality Japanese peaches are pulverized for their pulp and combined in concentrated amounts with light, delicious Kumamoto Rice Shochu. Perfect for a sweet, aromatic and textural accent in cocktails, and delicious by itself, on the rocks, or poured over deserts like ice cream.

Size: 375ml


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Distillery: Sengetsu Shuzo Co., LTD.
Distillery Location: Kumamoto Prefecture
Founded: 1903   
Profile: Established over 110 years ago, Sengetsu Shuzo produces mainly traditional Rice Shochu. Their name is borrowed from the famous and beloved Hitoyoshi Castle of Kumamoto Prefecture, which also carries a second name "Sengetsu Castle" or Crescent Moon Castle. The current Toji is the 6th distillery head, and he carries with him all the techniques and secrets of his predecessors. 

Spec Sheet Bottle Image