Zaku Junmai Daiginjo


Zaku Junmai Daiginjo


Class: Junmai Daiginjo

Rice: Asahi

Rice-Polishing Ratio: 50%

Brewery Location: Mie

Food Pairings: Clams steamed in sake, chilled steamed abalone

Tasting Notes: Asahi rice produced in Okayama prefecture is polished down to 50% to give this incredible cult-hit sake it's expansive aroma, clean and refreshing taste. The brewery truly produces only a small amount of it each year, so generally it is difficult even in Japan to purchase a bottle. 

The meaning of the name "Zaku" is simply "to make" or "to create".  

Size: 750ml

Location: NY NJ Distribution

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BreweryShimizu Seizaburo Shoten  
Founded: 1869  

Profile: Modern industrial developments in sake brewing technology dramatically reduced the labor, training and time necessary to make sake, but sake used to be thought of as an agricultural product that came forth as a result of a Toji's experience and instinct. Today, their team aims to bring sake brewing back to the past with their own hands, and create more dynamic and wild sake like in  They are dedicated to hand-grown koji, small batch production, and slow fermentation times in the middle of Suzuka town's severe winters.

Though they officially became Shimizu Seizaburo Shoten 1869, the brewery itself is a historic landmark that has survived since ancient times. Located between Kyoto and Ise (a significant location in the Japanese Shinto religion),  many travelers on holy pilgrimages have passed through their doors, and the brewery was well-known even in Kyoto to make delicious and sophisticated sake.

Spec Sheet 720ml  Bottle Image 720ml
Spec Sheet 1800ml Bottle Image 1800ml