Iichiko Saiten

Iichiko Saiten Thumbnail.png
Iichiko Saiten Thumbnail.png

Iichiko Saiten


Type of Shochu: Otsu Rui

Main Ingredient: Barley 100% Barley Koji

Type of Koji Kin: White Koji-Kin

Distillation Method: Atmospheric, Pot, Single

Aged: Less than 1 year

Alcohol by Volume: 43%

Food Pairings: Pairings will vary based on the cocktail created with Iichiko Saiten.

Tasting Notes: Crafted specifically for the modern bartender, Iichiko Saiten is a flavorful and rich barley shochu perfect for the global cocktail scene. Sanwa Shurui maximizes the umami and flavors in Iichiko Saiten by using only traditional barley koji, , and tuning the ABV content to a desirable 43%. Saiten's (彩天) name is translated as "colorful heavens/skies" and embodies the colorful and varied expression this shochu imparts on the drinker.

On the nose, Iichiko Saiten is redolent of honeydew melon, white grape, pickled watermelon rind, and kabosu citrus alongside hints of soy, white pepper, and rich nutty barley notes. On the palate, Iichiko Saiten has a strong start and a long finish. It exudes rich umami notes of jasmine tea, white peach, minerals, and earth with some citrus and a saline finish that beckons another sip. Its layered, complex flavors offer exciting options for mixing in cocktails.

Size: 750ml

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Distillery: Sanwa Shurui Co., LTD. 
Distillery Location: Oita Prefecture
Founded: 1958
Profile: The lush greenery, refreshing breezes and pure cool water of Oita Prefecture provide a fitting setting for the ditillery and brewery of Sanwa Shurui. Sanwa Shurui was started in 1958 when three companies merged. A fourth company joined the group the following year and this effectively brought foru fermenttaion- related licenses under the one roof. The company's motto is always the same: "Quality comes first."

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