Nankai Kokuto Gold

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10842 Nankai Kokuto Gold Thumbnail.png

Nankai Kokuto Gold


Type of Shochu: Single Distilled

Main Ingredient: Kokuto Black Sugar

Type of Koji Kin: White Koji

Distillation Method: Vacuum and Atmospheric

Aged: 3-5 years

Alcohol by Volume: 43% (86 proof)

Food Pairings: Grilled seafood, cheese platters, fatty sushi or sashimi, spicy dishes such as Thai curry or spicy ramen

Tasting Notes: Nankai Gold Shochu is a rich and satisfying spirit with a complex blend of green apple, vanilla, spice, and citrus peel notes. It has layers of fruit, floral, and malty aromas, complemented by gentle notes of raisins, chocolates, and honey. The finish is a delicious combination of caramel, chocolate, and raisins. One of the unique features of this shochu is that a portion of the blend is single-distilled using vacuum distillation, which creates a smooth and gentle finish. This distillation process preserves the luscious flavors and aromas of the source grain, resulting in a high-quality spirit that is perfect for sipping and enjoying.

Size: 750ml

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Distillery: Nankai Group
Distillery Location: Amami Island
Founded: 2015
Profile: Nankai Shochu was founded in 2015 by Paul and Mai Nakayama, who were inspired by their love for Japanese culture and cuisine. Their goal was to introduce premium shochu to a wider audience while staying true to its traditional roots. They partnered with a distillery in Kagoshima, Japan, to create a unique blend of sweet potatoes and barley exclusive to Nankai Shochu. The result is a smooth, balanced shochu that's both versatile and sustainable. Paul and Mai's commitment to quality and environmentally friendly production methods sets Nankai Shochu apart. Try it and experience a taste of Japan's cultural richness.

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