Nankai Kokuto Shochu

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10843 Nankai Kokuto Thumbnail.png

Nankai Kokuto Shochu


Type of Shochu: Single Distilled

Main Ingredient: Kokuto Black Sugar

Type of Koji Kin: White Koji

Distillation Method: Vacuum and Atmospheric

Aged: At least 3 years

Alcohol by Volume: 24% (48 proof)

Food Pairings: Kansas style BBQ, spanish mackerel, fried coconut shrimp, unagi kabayaki, sunomono

Tasting Notes: This light and smooth kokuto shochu has a clean and light character, and a smooth flavor laden with umami and a hint of fruit to match it's tropical nose.

Size: 750ml

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Distillery: Nankai Group
Distillery Location: Amami Island
Founded: 2015
Profile: Nankai Shochu was founded in 2015 by Paul and Mai Nakayama, who were inspired by their love for Japanese culture and cuisine. Their goal was to introduce premium shochu to a wider audience while staying true to its traditional roots. They partnered with a distillery in Kagoshima, Japan, to create a unique blend of sweet potatoes and barley exclusive to Nankai Shochu. The result is a smooth, balanced shochu that's both versatile and sustainable. Paul and Mai's commitment to quality and environmentally friendly production methods sets Nankai Shochu apart. Try it and experience a taste of Japan's cultural richness.

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