Noguchi Sakekasu Shochu

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Noguchi Sakekasu Shochu


Type of Shochu: Kasutori

Main Ingredient: Sake Kasu

Type of Koji-Kin: Yellow Koji

Distillation Method: Single Distillation

Aged: 2 Years or More

Alcohol by Volume: 38%

Tasting Notes: This light and smooth shochu displays intense aromatics reminiscent of Noguchi Institute's Ginjo sake, and the palate retains a gentle rice-derived flavor laden with fruit and spice, ending in a robust and reverberant finish that allows the drinker to enjoy the sake-like notes without any distinctive sweetness.

Enjoy neat in a grappa glass, chilled, on the rocks, or in the mixed drink of your choice. Indeed, the institute suggests to blend white wine and Sakekasu Shochu at an 8:2 ratio, or to combine sparkling water and their shochu at 8:2 and add a squeeze of Japanese citrus such as sudachi, kabosu or yuzu, or even to add sansho pepper sprout to make a luxurious Japanese-style mojito.

Size: 720ml

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Distillery: Noguchi Naohiko Sake Institute Inc.
Distillery Location: Ishikawa Prefecture
Founded: 2017
Profile: About 70 years of pursuit of sake brewing, this sake brewery was established by Naohiko Noguchi who is the brewery of Japan's greatest, known as "God of sake brewing," as the culmination of the sake brewing life. The sake brewery, which opened in November 2017, was named as a mission to study the craftsman's technique, spirit, and way of life in the sake brewing, and pass it on to the next generation.

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