Sakura Ichiban 44 Awamori (3-Years Aged Koshu)

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Sakura Ichiban 44 Awamori (3-Years Aged Koshu)


Type of Shochu: Ryukyu Awamori, Genshu

Main Ingredient: Rice

Type of Koji Kin: Black Koji

Distillation Method: Atmospheric

Aged: 3 years

Alcohol by Volume: 88pf

Food Pairings: Served straight: 75% cacao chocolate, vanilla ice cream. Served mixed with water (mizuwari): steak, tacos, and miso simmered fish.

Tasting Notes: This Awamori has aromas of sweet vanilla, citrus, and dark chocolate. Powerful and complex when enjoyed straight. When mixed with water, it does not lose its flavor but mellows out, making it a good choice to pair with food. It is a popular product for at-home shitsugi, a traditional method of aging Awamori in a succession of clay pots, similar to the Solera system used for aging Sherry.

Size: 700ml

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Distillery: Yamakawa Shuzo Co., Ltd.
Distillery Location: Okinawa Prefecture
Founded: 1946
Profile: Since its establishment, Yamakawa Shuzo’s Awamori distillery has been succeeded by four generations. The company is committed to ensuring that all of their aged Awamori is at least as old as the age indicated on the label. For example, in the case of blending 10-year-old and 8-year-old Awamori, the blend is aged for another two years before selling it as a 10-year-old “Kusu” (aged Awamori). This is known as “Kusu by Yamakawa.” The distillery is located on the bank of the Manna River in the rich natural environment of Yaedake in Motobu Town. They believe that "water is the lifeblood of Awamori" and use the abundant fresh water from the mountains to brew their spirits. It is their dream to make a 100-year-old Kusu!

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