Hana Shimauta Awamori

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Hana Shimauta Awamori


Type of Shochu: Awamori

Main Ingredient: Rice

Type of Koji-Kin: Black Koji

Distillation Method: Vacuum

Aged: Less than 3 Years

Alcohol by Volume: 24%

Food Pairings: Pork shabu-shabu, pizza, sashimi

Tasting Notes: Hana Shimauta is a Ryukyu Awamori with a refreshing mouthfeel like the clear blue skies of Okinawa, and a blooming floral perfume. Using ginjo yeast, it is a new generation of awamori that delivers a light, refreshing, and clean flavor not found in traditional awamori. Whether you are a new or experienced awamori drinker, you will find it delicious. This new type of awamori is great on the rocks or cut with seltzer. Light enough for apertif and appetizers and adds a burst of freshness alongside main dishes.

Size: 750ml

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Distillery: Masahiro Shuzo Co. LTD.
Distillery Location: Okinawa
Founded: 1883   
Profile: Established in 1883 and located in the Shuri region known for Awamori, Masahiro Shuzo has been honing their skill to create the rich taste unique to traditional Awamori. The Awamori Shimauta use traditional techniques such as atmospheric distillation that preserves the umami, aroma and vibrancy of the ingredient rice. Their moto for Awamori production is "unchanging but evolving and relevant"

Spec Sheet Bottle Image