Iichiko Seirin

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Iichiko Seirin 500x800.png

Iichiko Seirin


Type of Shochu: Otsu Rui

Main Ingredient: Barley

Type of Koji Kin: White Koji-Kin

Distillation Method: Atmospheric & Vacuum

Aged: N/A

Alcohol by Volume: 40pf

Tasting Notes: Taking their meticulously made unblended iichiko Shochu, and then filtering it with bamboo charcoal produces Seirin's unique refreshing aroma.

Size: 750ml

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Distillery: Sanwa Shurui Co., LTD. 
Distillery Location: Oita Prefecture
Founded: 1958
Profile: The lush greenery, refreshing breezes and pure cool water of Oita Prefecture provide a fitting setting for the ditillery and brewery of Sanwa Shurui. Sanwa Shurui was started in 1958 when three companies merged. A fourth company joined the group the following year and this effectively brought foru fermenttaion- related licenses under the one roof. The company's motto is always the same: "Quality comes first."

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